Adding Google maps in rails

Today I hope to clear basic concepts related to integrating google maps in rails app. We will be using Gmaps4Rails gem for it. I will also discuss some common gotchas related to it.

First things first #

First thing to go about adding google maps in your rails app would be to add these two lines in your Gemfile.

gem 'underscore-rails'
gem 'gmaps4rails'

underscore js is a dependency for Gmaps4Rails gem, hence it is included in Gemfile.

Next step is to install the newly added gems. Use bundle install to install the gems.

Add Map Javascript #

Now you to have include the js files related to Gmaps4Rails and underscore js in application.js . To add the requirements for Gmaps4Rails, add below lines in application.js. Also you should have asset pipeline. If you are using coffeescript change the below lines accordingly.

//= require underscore
//= require gmaps/google

Next step is to add required scripts to the DOM.

<script src="//;sensor=false&amp;libraries=geometry" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src='//' type='text/javascript'></script>

To use maps you have to wrap it in a div tag. This is how it should look like.

<div style='width: 80%;' >
    <div id="map"></div>

Map Generation Script #

Map can be rendered in the div using the following javascript.

var initialize;
initialize = function() {
  var handler;
  handler ="Google");
    provider: {
      maxZoom: 15,
      minZoom: 10
    internal: {
      id: "map"
  }, function() {
    var markers;
    markers = handler.addMarkers([
        lat: 45.467310,
        lng: 54.995987,
        infowindow: "holla"

You can use a custom marker using a picture options hash.

markers = handler.addMarkers([
        lat: 45,
        lng: 54,
        "picture": {
            "url": "",
            "width":  36,
            "height": 36
        infowindow: "home!!"

You can customize the map using different options in provider options hash.

Render Map #

Now this will not render the map, since you have not used initialize function anywhere. You can trigger the code using window.onload once the page is fully loaded, handled within a body tag.

        function initialize() {
            // Map initialization
    <body onload="initialize()">
        <div id="map"></div>

Although easy to understand, having an onload event within a body tag mixes content with behavior. Generally, it is good practice to separate your content code (HTML) from your behavioral code (JavaScript) and provide your presentation code (CSS) separately as well. You can do so by replacing the inline onload event handler with a DOM listener within your Maps API JavaScript code like so:

        function initialize() {
            // Map initialization
        google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);
        <div id="map"></div>

And that’s it. Your map should be visible. REFRESH!!

Common Gotchas #

The issue is related to use of turbolinks gem in rails apps.
The key to getting something to work with turbolinks, is to use the provided callbacks. In this case, one has to tell gmaps4rails to perform the map loading when turbolinks has loaded a new page.

This can be done by adding a listener, for the turbolinks event page:load, to map initialization.

google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'page:load', initialize);

This will fix the turbolinks bug.


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